Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld



species, hybrids and cultivars
Family: Lamiaceae

There's great variety amongst the Salvias. A huge number of species and varieties derived from them are in cultivation worldwide.

Some can be used in formal bedding schemes, others are more at home in an informal cottage garden. There's also a great diversity of sizes. Some can reach 2 metres. Tall types will be more suitable for the rear of a bed and may require stakes or similar spport to look their best.

A good group for creating a cottage garden look with many types that are easy-to grow in a subtropical climate. The flowers create a soft and somewhat understated display compared to some perennials, but generally speaking they're much more suitable for our climate than many of the other cottage garden classics we might read about in gardening books from cooler climates.

S. splendens is available cheaply in punnets, often treated as annuals in bedding displays. Red is the most common flower colour (see illustration top right) but other mixes are available.

S. farinacea is another species widely used as bedding. The blue flowered varieties look somewhat like lavender (they're in the same family) and could be used instead (lavender being problematic in this climate). There are also while-flowered types.

Some popular named varieties which should be easy to find in the marketplace in Qld include 'Wendys Wish' (bright pink) and others in the Wish series, 'Mystic Spires' (blue), 'Amistad' (blue), 'Hot Lips' (white and red bicolour). New and improved forms (more compact, more floriferous) are being released every year.

Other ornamental types may be available from time to time, or from specialist suppliers (online and/or at plant shows).

Some salvias have uses as food or medicine. Culinary sage (one of the more difficult ones to grow locally is a Salivia species. Pineapple sage is another with culinary uses.

Regular garden centres will probably have a selection of some ornamental Salvias for sale as well as culinary sage. Herb nurseries are also likely to have some Salvia species on offer, especially those with culinary or medicinal uses.

Gardeners seeking a greater range or collectors wishing to buy rare species etc. may want to find a business specialising in salvias or cottage garden plants. Garden shows are other places to look for salvias, because smaller specialists sometimes attend such events.


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