Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld



Plumeria species and cultivars

Family: Apocynaceae

Frangipani are one of the iconic flowers of the tropics. This page is intended to bring you information about this group of plants (and where to buy them), with particular reference to Queensland.

Nurseries supplying Frangipani plants to QLD


May include online suppliers. For the most up-to-date information on plants in stock, opening hours, prices etc, be sure to visit the seller's website or contact the business directly.


132 Silver Valley Road MS 415
Mount Garnet, Qld. 4872
Ph: (07) 4097 0065
illustration Sacred Garden Frangipanis are a unique collection of over 300 Plumeria sourced from around the globe. The range includes a spectacular array of colours and forms, including true dwarf varieties and rare species.

Frangipani plants are available for purchase online from Drought Proof Plants as rooted cuttings and grafted plants.

Sacred Garden Brugmansias are Australia's best range of scented Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpets), brought to you by this country's only specialist Brugmansia breeders.

Unusual succulents also available, including Agaves, Sansevierias and Euphorbias. View the catalogue today at the WEBSITE.


PO Box 93,
Bli Bli Qld, 4560
Ph: (07) 5448 4053
Mob: 04022 09856
Sunshine Coast Frangipani Farm specialises in the sale of advanced stock (not cuttings) to retail nurseries, landscape contractors and the general public, from 25 litre to 100 litre bagged trees. A range of colours & varieties is available, including Plumeria obtusa and P. pudica.

Cut flowers for weddings and other special occasions can be supplied.

Open by appointment only. A display garden showcases the many varieties available. Contact the Sunshine Coast Frangipani Farm to make an appointment or to request a price list. For more information, visit the WEBSITE.


Burpengary, QLD
Ph: (07) 3888 1165
Fax: (07) 3888 9223
Mob: 0414 230 610
FrangiPlants produce Plumeria (Frangipani) in a range of colours and sizes from 140mm pots to 150 litre bags.

Pots, bags and cuttings are available to the nursery trade, landscapers and the public.

For more information, photo gallery and growing tips, visit the FrangiPlants WEBSITE.

If you operate a frangipani nursery offering plants for sale to the public in Qld, or if you're a Qld garden centre with a particularly good selection of frangipani, please get in touch about advertising.

More Information

The most common types of Plumera in Queensland fall into two groups:

Plumeria rubra (P. acutifolia), which loses most or all of its leaves in winter in SE Qld. The most familiar flower colour found in local gardens is white with a yellow centre, but pinks and multi-tones are not uncommon. Many named cultivars are now available in a range of colour and petal variations.

The evergreen frangipani Plumeria obtusa is also becoming popular in modern landscapes. The flowers - typically white with a yellow eye - have more rounded petals and the foliage is handsome. 'Singapore Pink' is a dwarf form popular for containers. In spite of the name, however, the "evergreen" frangipani is likely to lose its leaves in winter in Brisbane conditions.

Plumeria pudica is covered on another page: Plumeria pudica

Some cultivated types may, in reality, be hybrids of these or other Plumeria species. You may also find other Plumeria species on the market occasionally.

There are some dwarf frangipani available. P. obtusa 'Singapore Pink' is one of the best known and should be relatively easy to obtain, but others are available from specialist nurseries.

Frangipani rust (Coleosporium plumeriae) has unfortunately cursed Plumeria in Australia in recent decades. Although it will not kill the tree, it will be debilitating and looks awful, too. Picking up fallen, spore-bearing leaves and disposing of them in the rubbish bin will not prevent the disease but could - in theory - reduce the potential for re-infection.

While it may take many years to develop into a substantial tree, you can get a head start by obtaining large pieces in late winter and striking them directly in the ground, much as you would do with smaller succulents. Allow any cuttings to dry out for a couple of weeks. When placing in soil, stake securely. Large pieces will be very top-heavy but it's important that they are held firmly in place until a sufficient root system can develop to support the plant. To play it safe, leave giant cuttings staked for at least two years.

If you're looking for more general information about growing frangipanni, check out the selection of links below.

If you're looking for places to buy frangipanni in Qld, check the directory above. These should be able to help if you're looking for a particular colour or named cultivar, or if you're a collector seeking rare or unusual types. However, your local garden centre will probably have some to get you started, provided you live in an area where they will grow.

Other plants which go under the common name "Frangipani"

The co-called "Climbing Frangipani" is not a Plumeria, but Chonemorpha fragans (although it belongs to the same family, Apocynaceae. More information here: Chonemorpha fragans

The Australian "Native Frangipani" is not a Plumeria either. Hymenosporum flavum belongs to a different family, the Pittosporaceae. More information here: Hymenosporum. Another Australian native plant, Cerbera manghas, is sometimes called frangipani, too

Frangipani in the Landscape

This will be a collection of photographs of frangipani growing in Qld, concentrating on the trees themselves to give you an idea of tree shape, suitable locations and potential problems.

Frangipani unknown cultivar Frangipani unknown cultivar Frangipani unknown cultivar
Just a few examples of Plumeria rubra flowers. The variety is almost endless.

frangipani tree frangipani tree frangipani tree
Habit of whole tree

Still leafless in mid-September (Salisbury, Brisbane 2013)

frangipani_spring frangipani_spring frangipani_spring
New flower clusters and leaves beginning to emerge

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Healthy foliage

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Rust infected leaves, which may result in premature leaf fall

plumeria_obtusa plumeria_obtusa
Plumeria obtusa

Possible Misspellings: frangipanni, frangpani, frangpanni, farngipani, franipani, franipanni, plumaria

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