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Phyllanthus multiflorus

Waterfall Plant
Family: Phyllanthaceae

A low shrub with small leaves foliage on a multitude of stems with a semi-weeping habit. It's moderately drought tolerant in SEQld.

The tiny flowers are insignificant, the main appeal is the foliage. The soft, cascading effect has led it to be sold as "waterfall plant", and indeed it would look great spilling down a short bank or over a retaining wall like a green waterfall.

Although not ideal for topiary, some people like to prune it into hedges, squares and balls. Regrowth gives a fuzzy effect to these geometric shapes.

It's a fairly common landscaping plant in Australia, even though it doesn't appear to be well known in other parts of the world. It should be available to buy in regular garden centres in regions that are suitable to grow it.

Phyllanthus multiflorus was discussed in detail in the 09-12-2022 edition of Get Results Gardening, a weekly email publication for Australian gardeners, especially those in the tropical, subtropical and warm temperate parts of the country. If you request a free trial (see for instructions) you can ask for a copy of the 09-12-2022 edition to be sent as well if you want to read the waterfall plant article (Australian residents only, please).


Phyllanthus multiflorus in the Landscape

These pictures are intended to illustrate the shape and size of the bush, suitable positions and different ways to treat it. Click for larger images.

Phyllanthus multiflorus - waterfall plant Phyllanthus multiflorus - waterfall plant Phyllanthus multiflorus - waterfall plant
Phyllanthus multiflorus - waterfall plant Phyllanthus multiflorus - waterfall plant Phyllanthus multiflorus - waterfall plant

More images may be added over time as they become available. However, there won't be much new written content added here in the foreseeable future due to the decline of online advertising and the rise of content appropriation by AI (artificial inelligence) bots. Instead, quality information is now being directed towards the email publication (mini-magazine) Get Results Gardening. More information about it here: If you live in Australia, request a free trial! You can also get the 09-12-2022 edition containing an article about Waterfall Plant if you ask for it in the message of your request email.

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