Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld |
Pandandus aren't usually in home gardens, but are sometimes used for landscaping.
Gympie's strategy for pandandus dieback
Gympie Regional Council have just announced their Leaf Hopper Integrated Pest Management Strategy, which will combine leaf stripping (to stop associated rot from spreading) and biocontrol with a parasitic wasp. Transplanting from areas where there is an abundance of young plants available will be done and a propagation program from collected seed is planned, too. Source: Council to protect Rainbow's Pandanus Palms, Gympie Regional Council. (February, 2019)
Cairns pandanus in the spotlight
The pandanus at the intersection of Shields and Sheridan Streets will become a feature at night as well as during the day, with the installation of temporary spotlights. More permanent lighting may be installed in the future, subject to funding. Source: Light to shine on pandanus tree (April 2011)
Pandanus in the Landscape
These photographs are provided to give an indication what pandanus looks like and how plants might fit into various landscape settings. Click for larger images.
Where to buy Pandanus
Pandanus may be difficult to find in regular garden centres. Advanced specimens grown especially for upmarket landscaping works might be available to trade buyers and you may have to talk to a landscaper to obtain those. For tubestock and other small sizes, try native plant specialists in areas where they grow naturally.
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