Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld



species and cultivars
Common Names: Fraser Island Creeper and others
Family: Bignoniaceae

Fraser Island creeper (Tecomanthe hillii) was discussed in more detail in the 08-12-2023 edition of Get Results Gardening. That's a weekly email publication for Australian gardeners, especially those in the tropical, subtropical and warm temperate parts of the country. If you request a free trial (see for instructions) you can ask for a copy of the 08-12-2023 edition to be sent as well if you want to read the article about Fraser Island creeper (Australian residents only, please).


Tecomanthe in the Landscape

More photos to come in the future, to give you an idea of the growth habit and floral display. Click for larger images.

Fraser Island Creeper Tecomanthe hillii tecomanthe_hillii tecomanthe_hillii
tecomanthe_hillii tecomanthe_hillii tecomanthe_hillii
Fraser Island Creeper Tecomanthe hillii

Looking for more information about growing Tecomanthe in Queensland? Due to the demise of online advertising and the problem of appropriation by AI bots and others, most of the in-depth information originally intended for these pages is now being directed towards the email publication (mini-magazine) Get Results Gardening. If you live in Australia, ask for a free trial. Go to for more information. At the same time, you can ask for a copy of the 08-12-2023 edition, which contained an article about Tecomanthe hillii.

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