Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld


Plants with special names

to commemorate special occasions or special people

The New List

In the future, a new list of plants with meaningful names will be started to better reflect what's readily available in the Australian marketplace, which is much less that it used to be. Stay tuned...

The Old List

The following list was put together years ago. With the closure of so many specialist nurseries, it may be difficult if not impossible to obtain most of these varieties, but its being kept here for the time being as there may be some possibilities still and it demonstrates the general idea.

While there's a bias towards plants suitable for warmer climates, the plants above have been included primarily on the basis on their names. You'll still need to check that the plant is suitable for the climate and position for which it is intended. A plant which performs poorly, or on the other hand has to be removed because it grows too big, will be a particular dissapointment when it has been planted to commemorate a special occasion.

Thinking of giving a plant as a gift? Remember that prohibitions or restrictions may apply to movement of certain plants, plant material, seeds or soil, even locally. Please check with appropriate authorities if necessary. There are plenty of other ideas for gardening-related gifts on this page: Garden Gift Ideas.

Female first names
Female prefix surnames

Male first names
Male prefix surnames
Children, Infants
Personal attributes
Nicknames, Pet names
Place names
Occupations, Hobbies
Other Messages

Please note: While there's a bias towards plants suitable for warmer climates, the plants below have been included primarily on the basis on their names. READ MORE...

Female First Names
Lady Adele Hibiscus
Angela Rose
Anna Elizabeth Hibiscus
Ardelle Rose
Athena Rose
Beatrix Azalea
Bertina Azalea
Chantai Hibiscus
Dainty Bess Rose
Dainty Bess Azalea
Bettina Rose
Little Caroline Bougainvillea
Chelsea Azalea
Cherilyn Camellia
Cheryl Lynn Camellia
Lady Clare Camellia
Cornelia Rose
Debbie Camellia
Desiree Azalea
Elina Rose
Elizabeth Bougainvillea
Elizabeth Magnolia
Queen Elizabeth Rose
Emily Hibiscus
Enid Camellia
Felicia Rose
Flora Azalea
Francis Cordyline
Gay Camellia
Georgie Girl Hibiscus
Gloria Azalea
Gloria Hibiscus
Gretel Azalea
Inga Azalea
Irene Rose
Isobel Bougainvillea
Jessika Rose
Jules Tibouchina
Julia's Rose Rose
Julie Rose
Jennifer Susan Camellia
Kathleen Tibouchina
Katy D Hibiscus
Laura Azalea
Louisa Jane Rose
Lucie Azalea
Lucinda Camellia
Madonna Azalea
Sweet NellieAzalea
Noelene Tibouchina
Norma Hibiscus
Marina Rose
Marlena Rose
Patricia Rose
Patricia Hibiscus
Pauline Hibiscus
Princess Maude Azalea
Megan Louise Rose
Penelope Bougainvillea
Penelope Rose (2 types)
Rebecca Hibiscus
Rhonda D Hibiscus
Robin Azalea
Rosalind Hibiscus
Rosalie Hibiscus
Rose Ann Camellia
Rosetta Azalea
Sabrina Hibiscus
Samantha Camellia
Samantha Rose
Shannon Rose
Sharon Anne Hibiscus
Sonia Rose
Stella Azalea
Susan Rose
Susan Magnolia
Sylvia Rose
Sylvia Grevillea
Lady Sylvia Rose
Thora Hibiscus
Lady Vera Rose
Veronica Azalea
Victoria Azalea
Wilmae Hibiscus
Female Prefix Surnames
Mrs Butt Bougainvillea
Mrs McClean Bougainvillea
Madame Moser Rose
Mrs Strang Pelargonium


Male first names
Adam Rose
Alexander Rose
Arthur's Choice Vireya
Alec's Red Rose
Bob's Choice Vireya
Old Frankie Hibiscus
Prince Igor Rose
Jamie Camellia
Jason Hibiscus
Just Joey Rose
Little John Callistemon
Leonard Azalea
Sexy Rexy Rose
Admiral Rodney Rose
Tom Hibiscus
Male prefix surnames
Mr Foster Callistemon
Lord Gold Rose
Mr Lincoln Rose
Grandpa Dickson Rose
Commander Mulroy Camellia
Dr Tinsley Camellia

Children, Infants
Angel Face Rose
The Children's RoseRose
The Fairy Rose
Sugar Baby Pelargonium
Centenary Azalea
Diamond Jubilee Rose
Golden Years Rose
Jubilee Azalea
Ruby Rose
Silver Jubilee Rose
Silver Jubilee Azalea
Wedding Day Pelargonium
Personal attributes
Adonis Azalea
Charmer Azalea
Daddy's Girl Hibiscus
Lovely Lady Rose
Virgo Rose
Old Timer Rose
Model of Perfection Rose
Superstar Rose
Occupations, Hobbies
Altissimo Rose
Ballerina Rose
Ballerina Azalea
Ballerina Hibiscus
Ballet Dancer Camellia
Bridesmaid Pelargonium
Drama Girl Camellia
Grand Slam Camellia
Kick Off Camellia
Maroon and Gold Camellia
Snow Girl Azalea
Snow Prince Azalea
The TeacherAzalea
Nicknames, Pets' names
Brownie Rose
Dimples Rose
Kitty Camellia
Little White Pet Rose
Mon Cherie Rose
Sheba Hibiscus
Place names
Buderim Gold Hibiscus
Florida Hibiscus
Injune Callistemon
Oklamoma Rose
Paris Pelargonium
Spanish LadyRose
Spanish LadyHibiscus
Countess of Stradbroke Rose
Other Messages
Friendship Rose
Happy New Year Hibiscus
Honour Rose
Many Happy Returns Rose
Gold Medal Rose
First Prize Rose
Remember me Rose
Yuletide Camellia

Related News

Happy 100th

Planting a tree in a public park to recognise residents who reach 100 years has become a popular practice throughout the Fraser Coast region since it was introduced by the former Maryborough City Council. It seems there's something of a centenarian boom underway, which may be something to do with the baby boom following World War One. Given the level of interest in marking these birthdays with public tree planting, Fraser Coast Regional Council is considering a formal application process and eligibility criteria. Source: Have your say on Council's plan to plant trees to celebrate centenarians, Fraser Coast Regional Council (August 2021)

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