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Brazilian Red Cloak
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
Family: Acanthaceae
A fast-growing, soft-wooded shrub suitable for the subtropics and tropics.
It's primarily grown for the pinkish-red flower heads which are produced in late summer-autumn. However, the pale green pleated leaves are also quite attractive and make a good contrast with other tropical foliage.
This species can tolerate part sun, but looks more lush in light shade.
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys featured in the 30-12-2022 edition of Get Results Gardening, a newsletter-style, mini-magazine for Australian homeowners and other gardeners, with an emphasis on the subtropics and South East Queensland. If you request a free trial (see for instructions) you can ask for a copy of the 30-12-2022 edition to be sent as well if you want to read the Megaskepasma article, which has more information about the plant. (Australian residents only, please).
Megaskepasma in the Landscape
These pictures are intented to give you an idea of what Brazilian red cloak looks like at various stages throughout the year and how you might place it in the garden. Click for larger images.
ABN 38 518 961 623