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species, hybrids and cultivars
Other Common Names: Fringe flower, Chinese fringe flower, Chinese fringe bush
Family: Hamamelidaceae

Loropetalum are easy-to-grow shrubs that range in size from small trees to dwarf, groundcovering shrubs/ They have delicate flowers from white to pink to near-red and many popular varieties have burgundy-coloured foliage.

Loropetalum featured in the 14-07-2023 edition of Get Results Gardening, which gave more information about this charming species. Get Results Gardening is a newsletter-style, mini-magazine for Australian homeowners and other gardeners, with an emphasis on the subtropics and South East Queensland. Get a free trial with a simple email request and learn more about other plants suitable for the subtropics. More information at


Loropetalum in the Landscape

Click for larger images.

Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense
Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense
Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense
Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense
Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense
Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense Loropetalum chinense

Looking for more information about growing Loropetalum or other plants in Queensland? Due to the demise of online advertising and the risk of appropriation by AI bots and others, most of the in-depth information intended for these webpages is now being directed towards the email publication (mini-magazine) Get Results Gardening. If you live in Australia, ask for a free trial and include a request for the 14-07-2023 edition in the message if you want to see the Loropetalum article. Go to for more information.

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