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and Pachystachys, Dianthera, Eranthemum
Family: Acanthaceae
The genus Justicia contains members previously classified under the genus names Beloperone and Jacobinia. The Shrimp Plant is one member of this group which will be familiar to many readers.
Pachystachys is very similar and may be confused with Justicia. Eranthemum and Dianthera are other sub-shrub members of the same family.
Justicia brandegeana
Synonym Beloperone guttata. Shrimp Plant. Very easy to grow and drought tolerant. Rambling habit and ability to root where it touches the ground means it can easily take over a mixed bed. Can grow up through shrubs and smother them. Looks best with some shade. Reserve for a difficult spot where it can easy kept under control.
Justicia brandegeana common form
Justicia brandegeana 'Yellow Queen'
Justicia carnea
Soft-wooded shrubby plant. Plumes of pink or white flowers.
Justicia carnea
Justicia betonica
Justicia betonica
Justicia brasiliana
Justicia brasiliana (synonyms Justicia nodosa, Dianthera nodosa)
Justicia spicigera
Justicia spicigera
Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys coccinea
Pachystachys lutea
Pachystachys lutea
Eranthemum pulchellum
Eranthemum pulchellum
Whitfieldia elongata
Whitfieldia elongata, White Candles
ABN 38 518 961 623