Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld |
Growing Herbs and Spicesin QueenslandHerbs as a group are very popular plants in the garden, and in containers. You're bound to find plenty of general information about popular types of herbs on the internet and in gardening books and magazines. This page will concentrate on topics of particular relevance to Queensland such as gardening with traditional herbs in tropical and subtropical climates, exploring some of the less familiar tropical herbs and spices, discovering places to see herbs growing and advertising specialist herb nurseries. Suppliers of herb plants or related products & servicesAdvertisements
Most garden centres will offer a selection of popular herbs for sale, and maybe a few unusual ones, too. For the best range herb varieties, however, you'll probably need to find a specialist herb nursery, especially if you're interested in rare or obscure species. Advertisements below may include online suppliers. For the most up-to-date information on plants in stock, opening hours, prices etc, be sure to visit the seller's website or contact the business directly.
More Online InformationThese links are primarily intended for people wanting to grow herbs for ornamental purposes or botanical interest. It's your repsonsibility to thoroughly research the safety of any plant before using it for culinary, cosmetic or medicinal purposes.
Redcliffe Botanic Gardens, which includes the Peninsula Herb Garden
Wild Herb Garden Indigiscapes in the Redland Shire (SE Qld) has a number of demonstration gardens featuring native plants
The Herb Society United Kingdom
Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages
Information on a huge range of herbs and spices, common and unusual
SupHerb! For Superb Herbs Informative blog about herbs
Asia Food Glossary of Asian ingredients including many herbs and spices. Asia Society
Plants For A Future Information about unusual plants useful to mankind
Herbs in the Florida Garden University of Florida
Kitchen Gardening A variey or articles including some unusual herbs and vegetables. Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
Subrosa The Newsletter of the Rose and Perennial Gardens, Huntington Botanical Gardens, California (some articles about herb gardens)
Horesetail Haven Austin, Texas
The Fruit and Spice Park, Florida
Herb garden design
Knot Gardens Filioli Estate, near San Francisco (PDF)
A Short History of Herb Garden Design Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
Herbes de Provence - An Elegant, Potted-Garden Design Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Chelsea Physic Garden United Kingdom
Rosemarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' University of Arizona
Rosemary for Texas Gardens Horticulture Update, Texas A&M University
Growing Rosemary Backyard Gardener column, June 4, 2003. Arizona Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona
Ask Rosemary to Your Next Dinner University of Illinois
Rosemary Producton This article is aimed at nursery owners, but has some propagation information. Grower Talks, USA
Santa Barbara Rosemary Rosemary 'Lockwood de Forest' The Florez Nursery blog, NSW
Golden Rosemary The Florez Nursery blog, NSW
Dwarf Rosemary, Trailing Rosemary Encyclopedia of Stanford Trees, Shrubs & Vines (PDF)
When ANZAC day approaches, you might consider planting some rosemary. Here are some links to information about the significance of rosemary in relation to that special day:
ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee (Qld) Inc Australian War Memorial Returned Services League of Australia (New South Wales) (PDF) ![]() Basil
Basil Herb Society of America factsheet (PDF)
Basil: An Herb Society of America Guide A comprehensive 45-page document (PDF)
Summer basil is beautiful, tasty Mississippi State University
Growing, Selecting And Using Basil Ohio State University Extension
Basil North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service
Basil Clemson University, South Carolina
Basil in the Garden Utah State University Cooperative Extension
The Beauty of Bombastic Basil University of Illinois
Growing and Using Thyme Iowa State University
Thyme for Herbs Blog from Michigan, USA
Thymus vulgaris (Common thyme) Ecocrop database, Food and Agriculture Organization
Thymus vulgaris 'Provencal' The Herb Society of America
Oregano, Majoram
Origanum rotundifolium The Herb Society of America
Origanum vulgare (European oregano, wild majoram) Ecocrop database, Food and Agriculture Organization
Coriandrum sativum
Cilantro - Coriandrum sativum L. University of Florida
Coriander Download a PDF document from this page. Bioversity International.
Coriandrum sativum - L. Plants for a Future
Coriandrum sativum N.C. State University, North Carolina
Cilantro, (Chinese Parsley, Coriander) Texas A&M University
Plant cilantro in summer and get coriander seeds Extension Service Garden Hints, Oregon State University
Cilantro, Coriandrum sativum, Apiaceae Washington State University Clark County Extension
Coriander/Cilantro/Yuen sai The Florez Nursery blog, NSW
Eryngium foetidum also known as "Thai coriander" or "culantro"
Your Coriander Substitute Green Culture Singapore (PDF)
Growing Recao/Culantro in Southern New England University of Massachusetts Amherst (PDF)
Some Sage Advice University of Illinois
Using Garden Sage Wisely Washington State University Clark County Extension
Chives, Garlic
Included on the Onions & Relatives page
Mints Commodity growing guides - Mint NSW Department of Primary Industries Chocolate Mint Texas A&M University
Because these are typically grown as a crop like vegetables, they are covered in the Vegetables page.Vanilla "beans"
Many people are probably interested in trying to grow a vanilla orchid. If you want to have a go at producing vanilla pods, check out the links below for some more information (note the climatic, pollination and processing requirements and precautions).
Vanilla Fact Sheet Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines, Australia
Sharon's Orchid Page has some great information and pictures from the perspective of a hobby grower, including a demonstration of hand pollination
Insect Pollination Of Cultivated Crop Plants by S.E. McGregor, United States Department of Agriculture (see chapter 9 for information about vanilla)
Vanilla, the spice that is not a spice University of California
Vanilla University of Illinois Extension
Spice Crops Scroll down the page to see section on vanilla which includes pictures of various stages of development and production. Center for New Crops & Plant Products, Purdue University, USA
Training Vanilla Orchid Vines to Improve Flowering At the Echo Farm blog
Vanilla planifolia Post at "Albert's Greenhouse" blog
Vanilla planifolia Belize Botanic Gardens
The Vanilla Orchid Purdue University
Fast, Fascinating Factoid on Vanilla Texas A&M University
Vanilla Research Project in the Amazon American Botanical Council
Ginkgo biloba
The Ginkgo Pages Astounding amount of information about this tree in one website
The Ginkgo Pages Forum - Blog Blog associated with the above website contains up-to-date ginkgo news from around the world
(possible misspelling: Gingko)
Aloe vera
The Definitive Aloe vera, vera? Discusses use of aloes througout history, and the problems of sorting out their correct names. Huntington Desert Garden, California
See also the Aloe page on this site, which covers a range of species within the genus.
Tea (Camellia sinensis)
THE FOUR P.M. HABIT University of California
Tea Growing in the Florida Home Landscape University of Florida
Camellia sinensis Landscape Plant Propagation Information, University of Florida
Goji berries
Can I grow matrimony vine? (Lycium barbarum) University of California, Davis
Goji berries: the new miracle fruit? Columbia News Service Columbia University, New York
Box Thorn (Lycium barbarum) Washington State University
(possible misspellings: Gojii, Gogi, Gogii)
Various Others
Parsley - More than a Decorative Green Leaf Hendry County Extension Service, Univ Florida
Laurus nobilis Bay leaves. Ecocrop database, Food and Agriculture Organization
Bay: An Herb Society of America Guide (PDF) Herb Society of America
Anethum graveolens Dill. Ecocrop database, Food and Agriculture Organization
Florence Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum) Washington State University
International Symposium on Chamomile Research, Development and Production Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation
Why is lavender such a good Mediteranean genus? in: Harrisiana, Newsletter of the friends of the Harris Garden, UK (PDF) Discusses vegetation of the region.
Mexican Oregano - A Tasty Twist on an Age-Old Flavor Plectranthus amboinicus. Brooklyn Botanic Garden
I am not a mint! Article about Plectranthus amboinicus at Green Culture Singapore (PDF)
Mexican tarragon is the marigold of the herb garden University of Florida (PDF)
Tarragon little dragon French Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) The Florez Nursery blog, NSW
The Three Tarragons: French, Russian and Mexican Texas A&M University
Rare sight - Indian Borage flowering! Gardening with Wilson, Singapore
Growing Horseradish National Vegetable Society, UK
Horseradish, Armoracia rusticana University of Wisconsin-Extension Master Gardener Program
Murraya koenigii Curry-leaf Tree. Cal's Plant of the Week, University of Oklahoma
Stevia rebaudiana (Sweet Honey Leaf) Australian New Crops Newsletter
Stevia rebaudiana Ecocrop database, Food and Agriculture Organization
Stevia Washington State University Clark County Extension
Pineapple Sage Washington State University Clark County Extension
Perilla frutescens Shiso. Cal's Plant of the Week, University of Oklahoma
Eugenia aromatica Cloves (= < i>Syzygium aromaticum, Eugenia caryophyllata, Eugenia caryophyllus) Ecocrop database, Food and Agriculture Organization
Myristica fragrans Nutmeg and Mace. Ecocrop database, Food and Agriculture Organization
Allspice Pimenta dioica San Diego Zoo
Fragrant Pandan - Pandanus Amaryllifolius James Missier Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia (Blog)
Look - Salad Burnet in Singapore! Gardening with Wilson, Singapore
Caraway North Carolina State University
Satureja spicigera Creeping savory. The Herb Society of America Licorice: An absolutely delicious crop Australian New Crops Newsletter
Non-wood forest products from conifers Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Older NewsPlanting scents make sense Even though 63% of people in the United Kingdom buy herbal and floral scented products, only 32% realise that they can derive these benefits from garden plants, according to research conducted for the Horticultural Trades Association. Their PlantforLife consumer campaign, which will be encouraging the planting and using of such plants, has enlisted the assistance of an "aromacologist" to explain the effects of floral and herbal scents on health and well being. Source: PlantforLife reveals the scentsational benefits of UK gardens (July 2010) |