Calyx Horticultural Services presents
Contents of a recent edition:

Get Results Gardening 21-02-2025

TOP PLANT: Waterfall Plant - Phyllanthus multiflorus
DESIGN: The Drive-Side Zone Part 5 - Light and Heat
LOCAL NEWS: Brighter Future for Endangered Grevillea 
THIS WEEKEND: Prepare To Plant
Some more recent editions below

Tired of searching for good gardening information that's relevant to Australia?

Get Results Gardening is a weekly email publication from Calyx Horticultural Services. Something like a digital mini-magazine, it features reliable and easy to grow plants, seasonal advice, achievable and affordable design ideas, inspiration and motivation.

While focussing on South East Queensland (Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich, Logan, etc) and subtropical northern NSW, there'll be plenty of relevance to residents of other parts of Australia.


Simply send an email with "Try GRG" as subject to
Use link above or copy the address into your email app.
No need to add a message, but feel free to include a few words about your gardening interests or issues. Weekly editions will be sent on Fridays to the email address from which you sent the request. No other app required!
After your free, no-obligation trial runs out, emails will simply stop unless you request a paid subscription. If you'd like to continue receiving Get Results Gardening, the
cost for one year is $55.00 incl. GST.
Offers for Australian residents only. Payment by direct bank deposit or cheque. Other terms & conditions. If you want emails to stop before the trial expires, see How to unsubscribe.

Discover plants like this shrub,    
which is easy to grow in Brisbane    
and has gorgeous flowers.    

The "results" in Get Results Gardening doesn't just refer to growing plants well. Gardens are life-enhancing on so many levels and Get Results Gardening is here to help you get some of those results for yourself.

It contains high-quality content presented in a concise and easily-understood way. It's for someone who wants to improve their home and lifestyle with an attractive landscape, but is feeling overwhelmed and confused by the avalanche of information and opinions out there.

The gardening world abounds with myth, misinformation and "woo" that makes gardening seem more mysterious (and expensive) than it needs to be. Get Results Gardening is focussed on proven plants and scientifically sound practices.

Practical issues that affect most homeowners today - such as privacy worries, lack of space, lack of time, water restrictions and budget limitations - will be considered throughout.

Want a clumping palm that's not
the predictable old golden cane?

Because many other media outlets already cover vegetables and fruits extensively, they won't be the focus here. However, much of the basic gardening knowledge covered will be applicable to edibles as well as ornamentals.

International trends are discussed, including possible ways that private or public landscaping can improve your quality of life and raise the standard (and maybe even the value) of your property or neighbourhood. Various interesting, illuminating or amusing items from the world of plants make an appearance, too.

It's aimed at the typical suburban home gardener, but high-quality and topical information will also help nursery and garden industry professionals, property developers and real estate investors stay informed and on top of their game.

There's bound to be something of interest to most Australians each week, even if you don't live in SE QLD or even if you think you don't like gardening!

Contents of some recent editions:
Get Results Gardening 31-01-2025
TOP PLANT: Cheese Tree - Glochidion ferdinandi
BASICS: Pioneer Species
RESEARCH NEWS: Curl Up and Not Die
Get Results Gardening 14-02-2025
TOP PLANTS: Acanthaceae - An Overview
THE WORLD OF PLANTS: More about Acanthus mollis
BASICS: S is for Sulfur
Get Results Gardening 07-02-2025
TOP PLANT: Happy Plants - Dracaena fragrans
RESEARCH NEWS: Pollination Nation
DESIGN: The Drive-Side Zone Part 4 - Space Below Ground
Get Results Gardening 31-01-2025
TOP PLANT: Cheese Tree - Glochidion ferdinandi
BASICS: Pioneer Species
RESEARCH NEWS: Curl Up and Not Die
Get Results Gardening 24-01-2025
TOP PLANT: Pentas - Pentas lanceolata
LOCAL NEWS: Cod On Delivery
DESIGN: The Drive-Side Zone Part 3 - Space Above Ground
THIS WEEKEND: A Weed in Time
Get Results Gardening 10-01-2025
TOP PLANT: Daylilies - Hemerocallis hybrids
ON TREND: Trends 2025
Get Results Gardening 20-12-2024
TOP PLANT: Holly Fuchsia / Mount Blackwood Holly - Graptophyllum ilicifolium
THE WORLD OF PLANTS: Why Holly at Christmas?
THIS WEEKEND: Aloha Christmas With Hibiscus
Get Results Gardening 13-12-2024
TOP PLANT: Cuphea - Cuphea hyssopifolia
THE WORLD OF PLANTS: Hooked on Prickles
BASICS: Stomates - an Overview
THIS WEEKEND: Agapanthus Attention
Get Results Gardening 06-12-2024
TOP PLANTS: The Kalanchoe "Spoons"
     Silver Spoons - K. bracteata, K. hildebrandtii
     Copper Spoons - Kalanchoe orgyalis
BASICS: How to Pronounce "Kalanchoe"?
BASICS: Mg means Magnesium
Get Results Gardening 29-11-2024
TOP PLANT: Silver Trumpet Tree - Tabebuia aurea
LOCAL NEWS: Gold Coast Joining the Conservation Dots
DESIGN: The Drive-Side Zone - Part One
ON TREND: Here Comes Cosy
Get Results Gardening 08-11-2024
TOP PLANT: Oleander - Nerium oleander
RESEARCH: Unreal Plants
THIS WEEKEND: The Final Days of Spring
Get Results Gardening 01-11-2024
TOP PLANTS: Blue Chalk Sticks & similar plants - Curio & Kleinia species
DESIGN: Fragrant Gardens
THIS WEEKEND: Hello November
Get Results Gardening 18-10-2024
TOP PLANTS: Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem', Teddy Bear™ and other varieties
BASICS: Grasshoppers
LOCAL NEWS: More Bushcare for Ipswich
GROW GROW GROW: School of Gentle Knocks
Get Results Gardening 11-10-2024
TOP PLANTS: Hippeastrums
DESIGN: Making Space
GROW GROW GROW: Building the Future of Plant Research
THIS WEEKEND: Pounce On Poinsettias
Get Results Gardening 27-09-2024
TOP PLANT: Crucifix Orchids Epidendrum hybrids
LOCAL NEWS: Pialba Figs in Decline
BASICS: Introducing Annuals Part Two
LOCAL NEWS: Seed Libraries Sprouting on Sunshine Coast
Get Results Gardening 13-09-2024
TOP PLANT: Mussaenda / Bangkok Rose - Mussaenda hybrids
LOCAL NEWS: Environmental Integration on the Sunshine Coast
BASICS: Mosquito Repellent Gardens?
THIS WEEKEND: Soak Up Spring
Get Results Gardening 06-09-2024
TOP PLANT: Native Gardenia - Atractocarpus fitzalanii
LOCAL NEWS: Ipswich Arbour Trial
BASICS: Foliar Feeding
GARDEN WILDLIFE: Link Greenspace for Better Birdsong
Get Results Gardening 23-08-2024
TO PLANT OR NOT TO PLANT?: Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)
LOCAL NEWS: Phytophthora Tree Threat
BASICS: What is Phytophthora?
ON TREND: In the Mood for Houseplants
THIS WEEKEND: Feeding Time
Get Results Gardening 09-08-2024
TOP PLANT: Macarthur Palm (Ptychosperma macarthurii)
GROW GROW GROW: Traditional Attention
LOCAL NEWS: A Way to De-Prickle Plants Discovered
BASICS: Prickle, Thorn or Spine?
Get Results Gardening 02-08-2024
TOP PLANT: Diamond Leaf Pittosporum Auranticarpa rhombifolia (= Pittosporum rhombifolium)
BASICS: What is Humus?
RESEARCH NEWS: Water-From-Air Technology Advance
THIS WEEKEND: A Head Start on Summer
Get Results Gardening 19-07-2024
TOP PLANT: Foxtail Palm - Wodyetia bifurcata
BASICS: Plant Families
LOCAL NEWS: Buffer Zoned
THIS WEEKEND: Gardening in Wind-ter
Get Results Gardening 12-07-2024
TOP PLANTS: Purple Fountain Grass - Pennisetum advena 'Rubrum'
BASICS: Sand in soil & growing media
THIS WEEKEND: Prune Roses, Frangipani
Get Results Gardening 05-07-2024
TOP PLANT: Abelia - Abelia x grandiflora
DESIGN: More Champs
BASICS: Bad Butterfly (cabbage white)
GARDEN HISTORY: Lithic Mulching and the Easter Island Population
Get Results Gardening 28-06-2024
TOP PLANT: Perennial Statice Limonium perezii
LOCAL NEWS: Four Decades of Queensland Garden Expo
BASICS: "Ca" Means Calcium Part 3 - Calcium and Clay
DESIGN: Landscape Winners in Queensland
GROW GROW GROW: Private Greenspace a Health Advantage
Get Results Gardening 10-05-2024
TOP PLANT: Baby's Breath Euphorbias Euphorbia hypericifolia
LOCAL NEWS: Bringing Life to Ipswich Shopfronts
DESIGN: Accent Plants
RESEARCH: Towards Better Compostable Plastics
Get Results Gardening 03-05-2024
TOP PLANT: Midgen Berry Austromyrtus dulcis
WILDLIFE: Make Wildlife Feel at Home
BASICS: When A Haircut Doesn't Cut It
THIS WEEKEND: Look Forward to Mother's Day
Get Results Gardening 26-04-2024
TOP PLANT: Carissa macrocarpa 'Desert Star'
BASICS: Mulch Mythology Myth #6: Nitrogen Drawdown
RESEARCH: Towards a Bunya Farming Future
THE WORLD OF PLANTS: More About the Genus Araucaria
Get Results Gardening 19-04-2024
TOP PLANT: Iresine herbstii
LOCAL NEWS: Tamborine Pond Revival
WILDLIFE: Common Crow Butterfly (Euploea core)
BASICS: Mulch Mythology Myth #5: The more the better
THE WORLD OF PLANTS: Helping Machines Read Weeds
Get Results Gardening 01-03-2024
TO PLANT OR NOT TO PLANT?: The Jasmines - Part Two (Jasminum species)
LOCAL NEWS: Asbestos Contaminated Mulch
BASICS: Cation Exchange Capacity
LOCAL NEWS: High-Tech Sensor Targets Weeds


Simply send an email with "Try GRG"
as subject (click on the email link below):

No need to add a message, but feel free to include a few words about your gardening interests or issues. Weekly editions will be sent on Fridays to the email address from which you sent the request. No other app required!
After your free, no-obligation trial runs out, emails will simply stop unless you request a paid subscription. If you'd like to continue receiving Get Results Gardening, the
cost for one year is $55.00 incl. GST.
Offers for Australian residents only. Payment by direct bank deposit or cheque. Other terms & conditions. If you want emails to stop before the trial expires, see How to unsubscribe.

There's bound to be something of interest to most Australians each week, even if you don't live in SE QLD or even if you think you don't like gardening. Why not take a free, no-obligation trial and find out for yourself?