Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld |
species, hybrids and cultivars
Family: Lamiaceae (previously Verbenaceae)
There are a number of species, ranging from trees and shrubs to climbers in growth habit. Some were found in old-fashioned gardens in Brisbane and would be suitable for people wishing to re-create a traditional style.
However, some tend to sucker so confine those or be prepared to be vigilant to prevent them from getting out of hand.
Rotheca myricoides> 'Ugandense' (previously classified as Clerodendrum myricoides or Clerodentron ugandense) is unusual for it's "blue" flowers, and would have to be high on the list of anyone planning a garden based around this colour scheme.
There are also native species of Clerodendrum, including C. tomentosum and C. floribundum.
This genus was covered more thoroughly in the 07-05-2021 edition of Get Results Gardening. If you live in Australia, especially the warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions, you'll find lots more useful information in this weekly email publication. Want a free trial? Go to for more information.
Clerodendrum splendens
Clerodendrum splendens
Clerodendrum x speciosum
Synonyms Clerodendrum speciosum, Clerodendrum delectum
Clerodendrum x speciosum
Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Clerodendrum floribundum
An Australian native species
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Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense'
Blue Butterfly Bush. Previously classified as Clerodendrum myricoides or Clerodentron ugandense
No photographs yet
Volkameria heterophylla
Formerly Clerodendrum heterophyllum. A prickly, scrambling shrub that used to be used for hedging and may still be found in old Queensland gardens.
Regular green leaf
Variegated form
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