Carissa macrocarpa
'Desert Star' and others
Other Common Names: Natal Plum
Family: Apocynaceae
The dwarf cultivar called 'Desert Star' in Australia is becoming very popular as a hardy landscape plant.
'Desert Star' was discussed in greater detail in the 15-04-2022 edition of Get Results Gardening. If you garden in Australia, especially the warmer regions that allow you to grow tropical and subtropical plants, you'ill find plenty of other useful information in this weekly email publication. Find out how to get a free trial at
Carissa macrocarpa in the Landscape Click for larger images.

The popular cultivar 'Desert Star'

Wild type Carissa macrocarpa
In time, more images will be added to show how 'Desert Star' looks and to give you ideas on how you might incorporate it into your own garden. However, there won't be at lot more written information added here in the foreseeable future. Due to the decline of online advertising and the rise of content appropriation by AI bots, high quality written content is now being directed towards the subscriber-only email publication Get Results Gardening. However, if you live in Australia and would like to see a copy of the 15-04-2022 edition, which contained the article about Carissa macrocarpa 'Desert Star', you ask for it in the body of your email message when you request a your free trial. More information here: