Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld |
species, hybrids and cultivars
Other Common Names:
Family: Amaranthaceae
Some years ago, A. brasiliana (A. dentata) became popular for dwarf hedges, the red-purple colour contrasting well against the gold duranta it was often planted in front of. However, this is very vigorous and weedy and cannot be recommended. However, compact cultivars like 'LRU30' (sold in Australia as Little Ruby™) could redeem this species. It is not yet known how weedy it is, but it will be a lot easier to keep neat.
Alternanthera in the Landscape
Pictures will be collected here to give you an idea of growth habit and how the plants look in various settings. All the photos so far were taken in Brisbane. Click for larger images.
Compact variety of Alternanthera brasiliana, probably 'LRU30'
Variegated variety of Alternanthera brasiliana, possibly 'Brazilian Red'
ABN 38 518 961 623