Family: Amaryllidaceae
While often called African Lily, Nile Lily or Lily of the Nile overseas, in Australia they are best known by their genus name Agapanthus
Agapanthus are one of the most popular flowering herbaceous ornamentals in South East Queensland, because they are so easy to grow, yet a mass of them in flower can be stunning. The height and drama of the flowers is outstanding. Even without the spectactular flowers, the foliage is very attractive provided it can be kept in good shape.
Everyone is familiar with the common blue and white varieties, but there are a range of sizes and colour variations available in commercially available named cultivars including bicolours, pink tones and dark purples.
Where to buy Agapanthus
Agapanthus are widely available in garden centres in Queensland. You will probably find the common white and blue, and possibly some dwarf or other special cultivars currently being promoted.
However, if you are interested in some of the less common cultivars, seeds, tubestock or large quantities, you may need to seek out nurseries that specialise in this group. The following advertisers may include online suppliers. For the most up-to-date information on plants in stock, opening hours, prices etc, be sure to visit the seller's website or contact the business directly.
P.O. Box 5016
Brassall Qld 4305
Ph: (07) 5464 3976
Pine Mountain Nursery are suppliers of warm climate bulbs, specialising in clivia and agapanthus.
Clivias in many colours and forms can be purchased. The nursery hybridises its own clivias from superior genetic stock and can supply Clivia seed.
Agapanthus on offer also includes varieties bred in Queensland by the nursery. Varieties in a range of flower colours and growth habit available.
Also, a selection of other bulbs, gingers, liriope and mondo grass including mondo strips.
Plants sent by mail order to Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic and SA. Visits by appointment or check the Pine Mountain Nursery WEBSITE for display days, plus information and advice.
For bulb nurseries (which might stock agapanthus), check the general Bulbs page.
If you operate a nursery (including online and mail order nurseries) that specialises in Agapanthus, you can advertise on this page. Information about advertising.
Agapanthus in the Landscape Click for larger images.

Older news
Auckland banishes some types of agapanthus
Due to concerns about naturalisation, Auckland Regional Council (New Zealand) has introduced a controversial ban of "large leaved cultivars" of agapanthus (Agapanthus praecox syn. A. orientalis) within its jurisdiction. There's more information on this issue at the NZ Nursery and Garden Industry Association website: The end of Agapanthus praecox in Auckland and Clarification on Agapanthus. It's possible that following testing, cultivars demonstrated to be infertile may be permitted in the future.