Call or email today for a friendly, no-obligation discussion about promoting your garden business
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on this website
Starting a new garden business in Qld and need publicity fast? Established business wanting to improve your online presence?
This website offers simple, low-cost online publicity for nurseries, landscapers and other businesses supplying garden-related products and services to the public in Queensland.
Free Promotional Opportunies
Go to Free publicity for more information.
Directory Listing
By appearing on pages which are relevant to your product categories, you can be found by visitors searching for suppliers in those categories. More information...
Events Diary Featured Listing
If you're orgnaising an event suitable for the Queensland Gardening Events Diary, make your entry more visible with a featured listing. More information...
Brand promotions
Particularly suitable for wholesale nurseries and manufacturers/distributors of garden products. More information...
Affiliate Advertisers
Australian merchants with affiliate programs will be considered, especially if they carry home and garden products. Your products must be suitable for, and available in, Queensland.
Other Ideas?
The site is constantly evolving and if you have any suggestions for other ways we can work together, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
How To Arrange Advertising
IT'S EASY! Simply make contact phone or email to express your interest.
After consultation, the publisher can suggest suitable page(s) on which to list your business, or other advertising as appropriate. A draft text for the advertisement, based on your current brochure, website or other promotional material, is included in the price. It will be submitted to you for approval or editing before publication. You can write the text of the advertisement if you prefer.
Be sure that you're authorised to grant permission for use of any text or images, and for it to be edited if necessary.
Australian businesses only. To appear on the Queensland Gardening Pages, it's a requirement that your products are available for purchase by the public in Qld (may include interstate mail order and online stores).
Payment in Australian Dollars. Payment is by cheque, money order or electronic transfer. GST applies from 1st June 2007. (ABN 38 518 961 623). Please also read Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions, Privacy.
If you have any other questions, please get in touch.
If you would like to arrange advertising, or if you have any more questions, simply call or email: