Abelia x grandiflora and others
Family: Caprifoliaceae
It is sometimes clipped in an attempt to form a dense hedge or ball shapes, but the natural habit of long arching stems on the larger forms don't really lend themselves to this treatment. If space is available, cane-like growth can be managed in a more naturalistic shape than the shearing they are more usually subjected to.
Try to plant the larger forms where you can allow the plant do develop its natural shape. Selectively thin the bush by cutting out old canes near the base from time to time as necessary to maintain vigour and maintain a clean, attractive form.
Abelia was discussed in detail in the 05-07-2024 edition of Get Results Gardening, a weekly email publication for Australian gardeners, especially those in the tropical, subtropical and warm temperate parts of the country. If you request a free trial (see calyx.com.au/getresultsgardening.html for instructions) you can ask for a copy of the 05-07-2024 edition to be sent as well if you want to read the abelia article (Australian residents only, please).
Abelias In Queensland
Abelia x grandiflora
This group originated from a cross between Abelia chinensis with A. uniflora around the turn of the 20th century. Since then a number of selections with coloured foliage or dwarf habit have been introduced into horticulture. Cultivars widely available in Queensland include:
Abelia x grandiflora 'Francis Mason' - yellow and green variegated foliage
Abelia x grandiflora 'Nana' - a dwarf form with green foliage
Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' - A relatively recent introduction which is becoming very popular. It has dwarf habit with colorful variegated foliage that varies through the seasons. It arose as a sport of Abelia 'Little Richard' in the US.
Abelia schumannii
Abelia schumannii, with pink flowers, is sometimes offered for sale in Queensland, but the lack of widespread cultivation suggests it is not well adapted to the subtropics
Abelias in the Landscape
Pictures to help you see what the plants look like, suitable locations and different pruning approaches. Photographs taken in Brisbane. More will be added over time.

Abelia x grandiflora

Clipped Abelias in commercial landscapes. Note cane-like branches emerging from the base.

Abelia growing in a very tough spot on a footpath (as indicated by the condition of the surrounding grass it's competing with). The abelia is not in great condition, but it survives.

Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'
Looking for more information about growing Abelia or other plants in Queensland? Due to the demise of online advertising and the risk of appropriation by AI bots and others, most of the in-depth information intended for these webpages is now being directed towards the email publication (mini-magazine) Get Results Gardening. If you live in Australia, ask for a free trial. Go to calyx.com.au/getresultsgardening.html for more information. At the same time, you can ask for a copy of the 05-07-2024 edition, which contained an article about Abelia.