Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld
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Polysciasspecies, hybrids and cultivars

Family: Araliaceae

This genus (the common ornamental members, at least) were covered in Get Results Gardening on 08-07-2022. GRG is an mini-magazine delivered via email. There's something to interest all Australian gardeners but it has an emphasis on South East Queensland and the subtropical climates and covers suitable plants to grow as well as other techniques, design ideas and gardening news for beginners as well as the more experienced gardener. Free trials are available. Go to for more information.


Polyscias in the Landscape

Examples of Polyscias plants (varieties unknown) pictured growing in various garden situations, to give you an idea of foliage types, growth form, potential sizes, suitable positions, etc. Click for larger images.

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polyscias polyscias polyscias
polyscias polyscias polyscias
polyscias polyscias polyscias

Looking for more information about growing Polyscias in Queensland? Due to the demise of online advertising and the risk of appropriation by AI bots and others, most of the in-depth information previously intended for these webpages is now being directed towards the email publication (mini-magazine) Get Results Gardening. If you live in Australia, ask for a free trial. Go to for more information. At the same time, you can ask for a copy of the 08-07-2022 edition, which contained an article about Polyscias.

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